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SUNS # 9966 Thursday 14 March 2024

GCF : Board mourns loss of a member; approves $489.8 million for projects (PRIV)
(Prerna Bomzan, Kathmandu)
The 38th meeting of the Board of the UNFCCC's Green Climate Fund (GCF), held on 5-7 March in Kigali, Rwanda, started on a sombre note with the unexpected passing of its new Board membe r Daniel Machado da Fonseca (Brazil) on the evening of 3 March, prompting a f ull day of mourning on 4 March.

UN : Solar Radiation Modification resolution withdrawn at UNEA-6 (PRIV)
(Radhika Chatterjee, New Delhi)
A resolution on Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) was withdrawn by its proponents at the 6th session of th e UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) after member states failed to find consensus on it.

Finance : Report finds the UK inflating climate finance (PRIV)
(Celine Tan, Coventry)
Methodological changes to how the UK calculates international climate finance and retrospective incorporation of projects and programmes are inflating the country's climate finance figures.

  About   Publisher: Third World Network, 131 Jalan Macalister, 10400 penang, malaysia
Chakravarthi Raghavan (1925-2021), (Chief Editor, 1984-2005), (Editor Emeritus, 2005-2021).
Editor: kanaga raja, 131 Jalan Macalister, 10400 Penang, Malaysia; tel: (604) 2266159; email:
Advisory board: rajiv kumar chander, triyono wibowo
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