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SUNS # 9940 Tuesday 6 February 2024

WTO : Constructive talks on agri-text, but unbridgeable differences persist (PRIV)
(D. Ravi Kanth, Geneva)
The discussions on the Doha agriculture ch air's draft text on domestic support, market access, and the special safeguard mechanism (SSM) held on 1-2 February in a seemingly cordial and constructiv e ambiance, reinforced persisting unbridgeable differences among members ahea d of the World Trade Organization's 13th ministerial conference (MC13) beginn ing in Abu Dhabi in just about three weeks' time, said people familiar with the development.

UN : Global food prices fall further in January, says FAO (PRIV)
(Kanaga Raja, Penang)
The international prices of a basket of key agricultural food commodities fell further in January, driven mainly by dec reases in the prices of cereals and meat, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on 2 February.

UN : World cereal production to hit all-time high in 2023, says FAO (PRIV)
(Kanaga Raja, Penang)
World cereal production is forecast to hit a n all-time record high of 2,836 million tonnes in 2023, a 1.2 percent (33.3 m illion tonnes) increase from the level in 2022, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

  About   Publisher: Third World Network, 131 Jalan Macalister, 10400 penang, malaysia
Chakravarthi Raghavan (1925-2021), (Chief Editor, 1984-2005), (Editor Emeritus, 2005-2021).
Editor: kanaga raja, 131 Jalan Macalister, 10400 Penang, Malaysia; tel: (604) 2266159; email:
Advisory board: rajiv kumar chander, triyono wibowo
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