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SUNS # 9938 Friday 2 February 2024

WTO : Chair silent on calling distant-water fishing a prohibited subsidy (PRIV)
(D. Ravi Kanth, Geneva)
The chair of the Doha fisheries subsidies negotiations on 29 January said that the second week of negotiations on cra fting disciplines on subsidies contributing to overcapacity and overfishing (OCOF ) seemed "productive and useful" ahead of the World Trade Organization's 13th ministerial conference (MC13) beginning in Abu Dhabi on 26 February.

WTO : Turkiye appeals panel report on additional duties on certain US goods (PRIV)
(Kanaga Raja, Penang)
Turkiye has notified the WTO Dispute Settlem ent Body (DSB) of its decision to appeal the panel report in a dispute raised b y the United States against additional duties imposed by Turkiye on certain produ cts from the US.

Opinion : Onerous debt making poorest poorer (PRIV)
(IPS, Kuala Lumpur)
Contractionary economic trends since 2008 and "geopolitical" conflicts subv erting international cooperation have worsened world conditions, especially in the poorest countries, mainly in Africa, leaving their poor worse off.

  About   Publisher: Third World Network, 131 Jalan Macalister, 10400 penang, malaysia
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