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SUNS # 9935 Tuesday 30 January 2024

WTO : Chair issues draft agriculture text replete with asymmetries (PRIV)
(D. Ravi Kanth, Geneva)
The chair of the Doha agriculture negotia tions on 27 January issued a draft text under his own responsibility to set the s tage for finalizing an outcome at the World Trade Organization's 13th ministerial conference (MC13), which begins in Abu Dhabi on 26 February, but "prime fac ie" the draft text seems to lack "appropriate balance" and remains somewhat "asymmetrical" in placing the non-mandated issues on a higher pedestal as compared to the mandated issues, said people familiar with the development.

WTO : Reform of dispute settlement system hangs in limbo for MC13 (PRIV)
(D. Ravi Kanth, Geneva)
The World Trade Organization is likely to fail to accomplish an outcome in the ongoing informal discussions on reform of t he WTO's dispute settlement system (DSS) at its 13th ministerial conference (M C13) beginning in Abu Dhabi on 26 February, said people familiar with the development.

Climate : IPCC's 7th assessment cycle must not compromise science (PRIV)
(Indrajit Bose, New Delhi)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), at its 60th session in Istanbul from 16-20 January, agreed o n its work programme for the 7th assessment report (AR7) cycle after intense negotiations among member governments, called Panel members.

  About   Publisher: Third World Network, 131 Jalan Macalister, 10400 penang, malaysia
Chakravarthi Raghavan (1925-2021), (Chief Editor, 1984-2005), (Editor Emeritus, 2005-2021).
Editor: kanaga raja, 131 Jalan Macalister, 10400 Penang, Malaysia; tel: (604) 2266159; email:
Advisory board: rajiv kumar chander, triyono wibowo
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