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SUNS # 9885 Monday 30 October 2023

WTO : MC13 to transform a multilateral trade body into a plurilateral one? (PRIV)
(D. Ravi Kanth, Geneva)
Attempts are seemingly underway to transf orm the World Trade Organization from its cardinal multilateral trade framework to one of a plurilateral organization at the upcoming WTO's 13th ministerial conference (MC13), to be held in Abu Dhabi in February next year, said peop le familiar with the discussions.

WTO : 34 countries press for formalization of DS reform discussions (PRIV)
(D. Ravi Kanth, Geneva)
The World Trade Organization's Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) on 26 October agreed to establish a panel to rule on the imposition of anti-dumping duties by the United States on imports of oil co untry tubular goods from Argentina, said people familiar with the discussions.

UN : What is happening in Gaza is "inhumane, illegal, and unacceptable" (PRIV)
(IPS, New York)
Last August, 91 UN member states, "in a demonstration of solidarity and commitment", signed a US-led Joint Communique condemning the Use of Food as a Weapon of War.

UN : Human action pushing world closer to tipping points (PRIV)
(IPS, Saint Lucia)
Melting mountain glaciers. Unbearable heat. An uninsurable future. Space debris. Groundwater depletion . Accelerating extinctions.

  About   Publisher: Third World Network, 131 Jalan Macalister, 10400 penang, malaysia
Chakravarthi Raghavan (1925-2021), (Chief Editor, 1984-2005), (Editor Emeritus, 2005-2021).
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