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SUNS # 9629 Thursday 4 August 2022

Trade : South Africa initiates dispute over EU measures on citrus fruit (PRIV)
(Kanaga Raja, Geneva)
South Africa has initiated a dispute at the World Trade Organization concerning the European Union's regime governing the importation of citrus fruit from South Africa.

Finance : Neo-colonial currency enables French exploitation (PRIV)
(IPS, Sydney/Kuala Lumpur)
Sydney/Kuala Lumpur, 2 Aug (IPS/Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram*) -- Colonial-style currency board arrangements have enabled continuing imperialist exploitation decades after the end of formal colonial rule. Such neo-colonial monetary systems persist despite modest reforms.

Cuba : Biogas production awaits greater incentives (PRIV)
(IPS, Havana)
Standing in front of a blue flame on her stove, getting ready to brew coffee, Mayra Rojas says the biodigester built in the backyard of her home in western Cuba has become a key part of her daily life and a pillar of her family's well-being.

  About   Publisher: Third World Network, 131 Jalan Macalister, 10400 penang, malaysia
Chakravarthi Raghavan (1925-2021), (Chief Editor, 1984-2005), (Editor Emeritus, 2005-2021).
Editor: kanaga raja, 131 Jalan Macalister, 10400 Penang, Malaysia; tel: (604) 2266159; email:
Advisory board: rajiv kumar chander, triyono wibowo
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