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SUNS # 10047 Wednesday 17 July 2024

WTO : Fisheries chair adopts "combative" approach on objections to draft tex t (PRIV)
(D. Ravi Kanth, Geneva)
The chair of the World Trade Organization 's Doha fisheries subsidies negotiations on 15 July appears to have adopted an allegedly "combative" approach by drawing new battlelines with countries th at raised fundamental objections to his draft text on additional provisions on fisheries subsidies contributing to overcapacity and overfishing (OCOF), sa id people familiar with the development.

WHO : Proposed INB10 work plan seeks to rush talks, compromising equity (PRIV)
(TWN, Geneva)
The proposed work plan to be considered and adopted during the 10th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB10) o n the pandemic instrument seeks to continue negotiations in a rushed manner, compromising the prospects of equity in the instrument.

UN : HRC urges States to repeal all laws that discriminate against women (PRIV)
(Kanaga Raja, Penang)
The UN Human Rights Council has urged State s to repeal all laws and policies that exclusively or disproportionately targ et or criminalize the actions or behaviour of women and girls, as well as those t hat discriminate against them "on the basis of any grounds, including any custo m, tradition or misuse of culture or religion."

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